How To Choose the Right Brick?

Planning a build of any sort can be an exciting challenge. When considering all the variables in a
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August 4, 2021

Planning a build of any sort can be an exciting challenge. When considering all the variables in a construction project, however, decisions surrounding what type of brick to use can complicate the process. At UK Brick we believe it’s vital for anyone venturing into a new build to be fully informed about the various pros and cons each type of brick offer.

1. Start Your Planning Early Being prepared and organised for a new build is always an advantage, however, this is particularly true when deciding on what type of brick to use. During this stage, you will consider the architectural design as well as the geographic location. Observing neighbouring vernacular builds are a good way to gauge what brick is typically used in the area. It is also during this phase that factors such as interior colour palette choices should be considered This includes tiling and floor choices as brick colour and finish must compliment interior elements.

2. Selection Of Brick Shape and Finish Bricks have stood the test of time and have been used for centuries due to their durability and countless advantages over alternative building materials. Brick selection can be difficult, as the number and variety of options make it seem like a daunting task. The shape and finish of a brick can have a strong impact on the final aesthetic and therefore all options must be explored. At UK Brick we supply waterstruck bricks in a catalogue that is widely varied in colour pallet and shape.

Options to consider include: - The Classic

This brick was designed for simplicity and fuses craftsmanship with innovating processes. The versatility range remains consistent in its smooth surface structure.

- The Linear

The long format of this brick is departure from the ordinary. Each brick stands at just 38mm and is double the length of a standard brick. The distinctive style creates an elegant finish to any project.

- The Unique

Each brick differs in colour and surface structure, breaking away from the traditional mould with a subtle, varying colour nuance.

- The Prime

Each brick is encased in a unique template, and moulded to specific colour tones. With limitless variations and diverse surface structures.

- The Rustic

Inspired by historical methods of brick productions, and perfected by machine. Clay is modelled into moulds, and the artistic nuance of hand moulding is achieved. These bricks boast varied structures, unique features and a sense of nostalgia.

- The Fusion

Each collection of waterstruck bricks has a distinct colour tone; the Fusion breaks convention, and mixes the collections to create a dramatic colour play. Add depth, achieve complex colour variation, or retain the character of an existing build.

The mortar colour can have a dramatic effect on the

3. Decide on the brick laying method

Once the brick choice has been made, the final step is deciding on how best to lay them. The structure and layout can have a major impact on the final aesthetic of the build.

Whilst there are several bricklaying configurations, the three basic arrangements include the English bond, Flemish bond and the Stretcher bond.

- The English Bond

 The English Bond consists of alternating courses of headers and stretchers,

in which headers are centralised with the mid-point of the stretcher on the course below and above. This provides a strong bond when the wall is constructed.

- Flemish bond

Flemish bond is a popular bricklaying pattern that’s created by alternately laying headers and stretchers in a single course of brick. After the first course has been laid, the next course is laid so that a header lies in the middle of the original stretcher course.

- Stretcher bond It’s easy and simple to construct and produces minimal brick wastage due to the vertical joints being staggered each time by a half brick. Another advantage of this brick bond pattern is that the bricks don’t have to be cut to size to be used.

Choosing the right brick doesn’t have to be a complicated task, begin your planning in advance and identify key elements that the brick choice will need to satisfy. Have your interior colour scheme envisioned too, this ensures a seamless transition between the exterior and interior. Find our brochure for more inspiration!

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